rhode island solar panels

How to Choose the Right Solar Contractor in Rhode Island

When it comes to investing in solar energy for your home or business, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right solar contractor. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to narrow down your choices. But by keeping a few key factors in mind, you can ensure that you find a contractor who will provide you with high-quality, reliable service.

First and foremost, make sure that any contractor you’re considering is licensed, bonded, and insured. Rhode Island’s Office of Energy Resources (OER) has a list of licensed solar contractors, which can be found on their website. This will ensure that the contractor is operating legally and can provide you with proof of insurance in the event of any accidents or damage.

Secondly, you should ask for references from any solar contractor you’re considering. Talk to past customers about their experience working with the contractor, and ask about the quality of the installation and the customer service they received. A good contractor should have no problem providing you with references from satisfied customers.

Additionally, make sure to ask about the contractor’s experience and expertise. The more experience a contractor has, the more likely they are to understand the specifics of working with Rhode Island’s climate and regulations. You can also ask the contractor to provide examples of similar projects they have completed in the past, and to walk you through the steps they will take to design and install your solar system.

When it comes to pricing, you should always get multiple quotes and compare prices between different solar contractors. Be sure to ask about any guarantees or warranties offered on the work and the equipment. Also, check if the contractor is offering service agreement to maintain and monitor the solar panels.

Finally, be sure to check online reviews, BBB rating and other online resources like Angie’s List for additional information about solar contractors in Rhode Island.

If you’re looking for Affordable Solar Panel Installation in RI – Fill out our form at www.RhodeIslandSolarPanels.com and we’ll have an RI Solar Expert review your current Utility Bill and show you how you can get solar panels installed, saving you money on your utility bill, while you pay LESS than your current utility bill every month. Contact us today.

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